One of the most peculiar chapters in the Bible is the last to the Romans. The insight which it gives into early Christian life—the light which it sheds, in hopes at least, upon the home scenes of the first Christians; the depth of affection which it displays; the unity of aim, of action, and of spirit which it manifests, and the prominence which it gives to female activity and zeal—all combine to render that portion of Scripture one of the fairest sights where all are green and goodly. He who would understand the spirit of apostolic life should often study it with care. It gives prominence, we say, to female exertion for Christ, and as there are many homes where the single reside and devote themselves to His cause, it may be well to glance for a moment at such abodes. They may be centers of influence for good such as only the religion of Jesus can produce. And it is not too much to say that from those homes, where the Spirit of wisdom dwells, there emanates much of what is fitte...